Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Wedding Countdown Calendar!

When should I send my invites? When is the last possible date my girls should order their dresses? When does my guest list need to be finalized? When, When, WHEN?!

These are questions we hear over and over and over again! Even if you hire a planner for your event or wedding, it is important to keep your time organized! I have put together a basic timeline that goes through the basis of when things need to be done in accordance with the time of your wedding. This is just a general 1 year-to-wedding timeline. We are more than aware that some weddings are planned in a few months as opposed to a year or more! And that's perfectly okay! This is just a way to keep ya'll a little more on track! And hopefully answer some of those stubborn questions! Also, when you plan with White Blossom Weddings and Events, we personalize a timeline similar to this just for you! :] Happy Wedding Countdown, lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. Your planning schedule looks very organized. It must have been very helpful and effective for you guys so far. A year and a very organized list is sure to make everything go smoothly. Your wedding day is fast approaching in more than a month! Congratulations in advance!

    Lavonne Seaton
