Monday, September 19, 2011

Sky Lanterns

Nothing ends an evening like a memorable send-off for the Newlyweds! Releasing Sky Lanterns is something fun and symbolic, that will keep your guests buzzing long after the night is over!

Sky Lanterns originated in the Chinese culture and are still used today in celebrations and festivals. In their culture, it is considered good luck to release a lantern, and they view it as their worries floating away. 

Personalizing your Sky Lantern release is easy, and that's what we love!
1. Sky Lanterns come in colors! Yay! 
You can coordinate with your wedding palette! 
2. Provide guests with Sharpies; They can write a message to the 
bride & groom before the big release!
3. Create a playlist of songs that can play in the 
background while you enjoy watching the lanterns float away.
4. Also,for all of you Eco-friendly-loving couples, 
you can purchase lanterns that are wire-free and 
100% safe for the environment!



  1. We Got ours at 100% Eco Friendly Sky Lanterns and they have a pretty nice wedding package.

  2. These wedding sky lanterns are awesome. See
