There are just some things in life that just cannot be overlooked. The absolutely adorable polka dot flower girl dress below happened to be that something in this instance. It was the main inspiration and the basis off of which this style board was built. Which brings me to the topic of Elemental Inspiration.
Yes, I made that name up, but don't worry, I have a legitimate point!
My definition of Elemental Inspiration: The act of finding and loving an element so much, that it becomes all-consuming in the planning process and a main component in the event's identity. This could occur at any point during the planning.
Once I found that little dress, my entire theme/idea/design had shifted for this inspiration board. It was a complete change, and that is okay. The point is, little details like that can have a big effect on the outcome of your wedding. It is the detailed elements that our brides find, that make our jobs worthwhile, and your wedding that much more memorable. So don't be afraid to fall in love with an "element" and let it creatively inspire your big day! We hope you enjoy that flower girl dress as much as us, and the fun wedding design it inspired!